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Regina Stafford
2 min read
The Heartbroken Wife
This is for all the wives who are strong, tenacious, wise and successful. You set your sights on something and you go after it. You know...

Regina Stafford
3 min read
Super (Tired) Women
How many of you see yourselves as Superwomen? You have that big “S” on your chest. You are Super-Doers at work. You step in when things...
Regina Stafford
2 min read
Spotting A Blind Spot
There are certain expectations that we all have on what life with our mate is going to look like years down the road. Thoughts like,...
Regina Stafford
2 min read
What Caps Are You Wearing?
I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase about someone who has the ability to “wear many hats”. It usually means they are able to do or oversee,...
Regina Stafford
3 min read
Where’s Your New “Arena”
Where’s Your New “Arena”There are “arenas” in our lives that we excel in. We know we are good at what we do, and others recognize it....
Regina Stafford
3 min read
Take The Leap
“It’s a terrible thing to see and have no vision”. Helen Keller As people of faith, God wants us to partner with Him and dream big...
Regina Stafford
2 min read
Three Threads To Birthing A Dream
This past week, I’ve had the pleasure of being around other author’s, innovators and entrepreneurs. Each person was standing in the glory...
Regina Stafford
2 min read
Where Does Your Inspiration Come From?
What inspires you? What stirs a desire on the inside of you, to want to create … “something”? As children, most of us were given...
Regina Stafford
1 min read
Emotional Intelligence Part 2 How does it benefit us in the work place?
Writing this blog on EI has been enjoyable. I love the subject and understanding scientifically how growing one’s emotional intelligence...
Regina Stafford
3 min read
What Is EI? Part 1
The term EI (Emotional Intelligence) became popular in 1995 from a book by Daniel Goleman, titled Emotional Intelligence. Since then it...
Regina Stafford
3 min read
The “Hallways” Of Life
Have you ever been in a situation where you were praying, working and waiting on something? If you’re breathing, I’m sure you have. For...
Regina Stafford
3 min read
Friendly Texting
Is it wrong for a husband or wife to be having a conversation via text or email with the opposite sex? This is a question that in my...
Regina Stafford
3 min read
Compassion Creates Connection
This is a hard season for our country and for the world at large. We’ve seen a lot of devastation and evil befall too many people. There...
Regina Stafford
3 min read
Finding Each Other Again
We live in a very fast paced society. There are more things to do, more things to remember (besides usernames and passwords), and more...
Regina Stafford
2 min read
The “#Me Too” Campaign
Maybe you’ve seen this all over Facebook the past few days, as well as other social media sites, the two words “Me Too” posted a woman’s...
Regina Stafford
3 min read
Do We Still Have Roles In Marriage? Part 1 of 2
Do you remember all the outdated, traditional roles of husbands and wives? You know the stale ones that have been passed down by...
Regina Stafford
2 min read
Does God Really Speak To Us???
The latest topic in the media for the past two weeks has been God speaking to people. Before it is laid to rest, I wanted to quickly...
Regina Stafford
3 min read
Finding “The Pause” Button
Sometimes it’s ok to sit quiet. Sometimes it’s ok to be melancholy. It’s even ok to take a day where you don’t accomplish much, other...
Regina Stafford
2 min read
Mismatched Libidos Part 2
I’d like to thank those of you who gave such wonderful feedback on my previous blog on Mismatched Libidos. Your comments and input made a...
Regina Stafford
4 min read
Mismatched Libido's Pt.1
This question came from one of my readers. They asked for both my husband and my opinion, so that lthey can get both a male and female...
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